A downloadable game for Windows

Vigilo Confido: Blitz is a side-scrolling endless runner game made in the Unity engine, set in a non-copyrighted near-future world in which aliens invaded and now everything sucks more than it already did before. 

Made By Asher McCready (218124149) for DATT 2300.

Up arrow / W key / Space bar: jump

Right arrow/ D key: Dash

Down Arrow/ S key: Attack

Menu buttons are navigated by mouse clicks.

Dashing cannot be done when the bar at the top right of the screen is empty, collect blue gems to gain Dash charges (max 5) . Cash can be picked up to raise your score.

Crates can be broken to possibly gain a blue gem, or cash. Barrels explode, don't break them


DATT2300 Endless runner Writeup..pdf 151 kB
Vigilo Confido Blitz.zip 39 MB

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